Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flowers for Angela

Quotes seem to dominate a lot of my work. I am drawn to them and like to incorporate them into the pieces I create. I also use them at the end of each blog post as a way of reinforcing what I may have failed to say in my own words. Many of them are as beautiful and as thought provoking as art for me.

I Appreciate You

My obsession with quotes began in high school when I used to keep a journal of them tucked away in my bookbag like secret treasures. The first quote I ever recorded was from the movie Heathers. For some reason, when the character, Veronica Sawyer said, "This isn't just a spoke in my menstrual cycle," it struck a chord with me. Go figure.

You Are the Embodiment of Strength

But now, instead of keeping quotes to myself, I like to give them away and share them with others closest to me. If I could grow each one into a beautiful flower, I'd give them away as bouquets.

I Am in Awe of Your Beauty

"It is not so much the content of what one says
as the way in which one says it.
However important the thing you say,
what's the good of it if not heard or, being heard, not felt?"
- Sylvia Ashton-Warner

1 comment:

  1. I love quotes! Thanks for sharing! I used to begin all of my blogs with a quote, but I got away from that. Maybe I need to start again.



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